Modern day lifestyle is full of mental stress and many wrong eating habits and this eventually leads to the accumulation of toxins in our body, leading to reduced immunity, increased risk of lifestyle diseases and chronic degenerative diseases. Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of medicine and a way of life. Ayurveda mainly emphasises on the maintenance of positive health through understanding their own unique constitution and giving attention to their diet and lifestyle in Manchester.

It also advices on detoxification treatments to cleanse your body from the accumulated toxins and use various herbal formulations and therapies to maintain and promote health and to treat various health conditions.


The main aim of Ayurveda is to facilitate the body’s ability to heal itself by balancing the three vital energies by taking away the cause of imbalance, pacifying or expelling aggravated doshas (vital energies), diet and lifestyle modifications. It helps to the reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life in individuals with health problems. It also helps to maintain and promote optimal health, longevity, healthy ageing in healthy individuals. It is achieved through purificatory, and rejuvenation therapies, administration of herbs, diet and lifestyle advice specific to individual constitution.

Ayurveda is suitable for people of all age groups and healthy as well unhealthy individuals. It aims at relieving the discomfort, promoting the relaxation and sense of well-being and rejuvenating you physically, mentally and emotionally.


According to Ayurveda merely the absence of disease is not considered health. It is the balance between the body, mind, spirit and social wellbeing. It is defined as balance of all the three humours, seven tissues, all the excretory functions and tranquility of the soul, sense organs and the mind. It is the state of body clear of toxins, the mind at peace, emotions are calm and happy and all organs functioning normally.

Ayurveda greatly emphasises on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to one’s physical and emotional balance, diet, lifestyle and use of herbs.


Ayurveda detoxification treatments are for cleansing and rejuvenating your body, mind and soul. It promotes overall health and wellbeing and prevents and treats various health conditions. Detoxification (panchakarma) therapies are the sheath anchor of Ayurveda. These are designed to assist the body in the internal cleansing process by eliminating the wastes and toxins from the body and bring back the supportive forces (doshas) into the balance. It is assisted by other therapies like massages, steam bath, fomentation, shirodhara etc.

Panchakarmas are 5 detoxification procedures, Vamana(emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basthi (enema), Nasya (nasal administration of medicines) and Raktamokshana (bloodletting). Most commonly used in West are Virechana, Basthi, and Naysa.


* Eliminate the toxins accumulated in our body and mind by opening the subtle channels.

* Strengthen the immune system and improves the body functioning.

* Restore the balance of your constitution.

* Reverse the negative effects of our wrong diet and lifestyle.

* Restore the normal functioning of our body organs.

* Revitalise your body and mind.


Abhyanga/Whole body massage

* Massage helps in the relaxation of the voluntary muscles and stimulating specific areas of the body can have a corresponding effect on the internal organs and systems of the body. It also helps in relieving the aches, pains and stiffness by increasing the local blood circulation. It is good for relieving tension, stress, insomnia and promotes a sense of wellbeing.

* Duration: 90 mins

Shirodhara/Ayurvedic forehead oil flow

* Lukewarm Ayurvedic oil is poured gently and steadily over the forehead in a continuous stream using a specific rhythmic swaying movement. It results in fantastic deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. It is effective in headaches, stress, insomnia and nervous system disorders. Medicated herbal decoction, water or buttermilk can also be used in place of oil in some health conditions.

* Duration: 45-60 mins


* Medicated warm oil is poured into a cap fitted on the head with repeated changing of oil to maintain a unique temperature. It is indicated in migraine, headache, nervous system disorders and sleep disorders.

* Duration: 45-60 mins

Pinda sweda (Leaf poultice fomentation)

* Whole body is made to perspire by application of hot linen pads filled with herbs, rice and milk. The pads are frequently warmed in herb infused milk and massaged all over the body. It helps in rejuvenation and promotes relaxation. It is effective in muscular weakness, sleeping disorders, fatigue, arthritis, nervous disorders etc.

Kati basthi/Ayurvedic lower back oil bath

* Warm herbal oil is placed on the lower back region by using an ring made of dough. It is highly effective in relieving the pain, spasm and rigidity in the lower back. It also strengthens the muscles, ligaments and cartilage and bone by healing properties of the oil.

* Duration: 45-60 mins

Shirobhyanga/Ayurvedic lower back oil bath

* Oil massage with range of different movements over neck, shoulders and scalp areas. Combined with stimulating strokes on the pressure points of the face it relaxes the tension in the head, face, neck and shoulder muscles. It is very relaxing and promotes sleep and improves the stimulates the hair growth. It is good for relieving tension, stress, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, sinusitis, migraine etc.

* Duration: 30-45 mins

Janu basthi (Ayurvedic knee oil bath)

* Lukewarm herbal oil is placed on anterior and posterior aspects of knee one after the other in a boundary made of black gram dough. It helps in relieving the pain and stiffness associated with knee arthritis or injury.

* Duration: 45-60 mins

Nasya (Nasal errhines)

* Medicated oil or decoction is dropped into the nostrils after head and face massage and fomentation. It clears the nasal congestion, stimulates the sense organs and rejuvenates the head and neck. It is effective in upper respiratory tract problems, nervous system related disorders, insomnia, migraine, headaches, neck pain and spasm etc.

* Duration: 45-60 mins

Akshi Tarpana (Eye oleation)

* Medicated oil is placed on the eye by placing a black gram dough boundary around the eyes. It promotes the relaxation of eyes and improves the clarity of the eyes.

* Duration: 30-40 mins

Greeva basthi (Ayurvedic neck oil bath)

* Lukewarm oil is placed is placed on the back of the neck in a boundary made of black gram dough. Indicated in neck and shoulder pain, numbness, tingling and spasm of neck and arm muscles.

* Duration: 45-60 mins

Back Massage

* Medicated oil is used with a range of movements on the back including application of deep kneading and compression movements. It improves the circulation to the muscles of the back. It is especially useful in acute and chronic backaches, muscle spasm, stiffness, sciatica etc.

* Duration: 30-40 mins

Leg Massage

* Oil massage to the whole leg starting from lower back till feet. It revitalizes the tired feet and legs as well as entire body since feet contain key energy points relating to all other parts of the body. It helps in treating varicose veins, muscle spasm, aches, dry feet, cramps etc.

* Duration: 30-40 mins

Ayurveda Power Massage

* Herbal powders sometimes mixed with oil are used to scrub the body. It is essentially used as a safe weight reduction programme. It stimulates the hair follicles and tissues and improves the skin texture and health. It is believed to aid in breakdown of body fat and activate the skin metabolism.

* Duration: 60 mins

All our Ayurveda therapies are done by vastly experienced male and female therapists traditionally trained in Kerala. All our therapies are done in a traditional Ayurveda therapy room with separate ladies and men’s section carried out by female and male therapists respectively.

Please Note :

We also offer many more varieties fomentation therapies for pains, stiffness and arthritis.

We also offer relaxation packages, rejuvenation packages and detoxification packages.

Panchakarma package prices are decided on the basis of individual needs.

All the prices of the therapies will be updated after covid-19 restriaction are over

Ayurveda panchakarma – Virechana-7-10 days, Basthi-8-30 days, Nasya- 7 days depending on the individual needs.

Please call us for the package prices.

Please note that above is only a guide to give you general idea. Treatments and herbs will be tailored to your health requirements and based on your individual traits.


* Ayurvedic consultation involves detailed history taking, completing the constitution evaluation and assessmenthe current state of health.

* Detailed examination & the relevant investigations are also taken when needed.

* Ayurvedic consultation also involves detailed tongue and pulse examination (Nadi Pariksha)

* The balance and imbalance is determined, personally tailored Ayurvedic therapies, herbal remedies,diet and life style advice is given.

Ayurvedic full consultation: 90mins -£50

Follow up consultation: 30mins - £25

Online consultation

Online Ayurvedic consultation: 60mins -£40

Follow up consultation: 30mins -£20

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During the covid-19 interruption all our Ayurveda therapies are temporarily suspended.